Thursday, May 10, 2007

The case of the missing Chenola....

Hey guys.. well its been a long time! And where have I been... yes, there I am STUDYING.... I could rant. In fact I am trying hard not to rant but I am actually procrastinating hard out. Hee. How times haven't changed!

I also went back to 'normal' work which has been pretty full on. Every day so far has been a challenge. There is a lot of work and its a lot more complicated. But I suppose its good and its not too much of a challenge for me to give up.

Well, thats about it! when I have some interesting goss I shall pass it on.

Love Chenoa xxxxx


Anonymous said...

I missed ya you slurry ho!!! Whats been happenin!!!

Sucks about the studying, you'll manage you are a smart cookie. The challenge is what keeps things interesting!!

Is that plant next to you fake or real?

Rodis said...

Work it girl! Homework style!