Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Random Pictures

Ciao! I've finally put some photos onto my pc, so I'll post them with this blurb. Lets see, in Feb we went to another beach - Bethnalls, it was very pretty, bit too chilly to take a dip that day but we did some fun exploring and relaxing! They also had a Chinese Lantern Festival here in early March - I think it was for Chinese New Year, they must've just done it on kiwi time, hence a bit late! That was fun. Loads of people for once! It was like being in a proper city. Sorry to my lovely kiwi pals, don't take offence. I also went to Melbourne but I'm waiting for some pictures I took from my cous to come through.

Sorry about my lack of postings. I don't have 5 billion interesting things to tell you anymore. Can't have you all fallinga sleep on me!

Love you lots xxxx

1 comment:

2 Young Hinks said...

Hi Chenoa

They're lovely random pics - good to read your blog again!

We went to Dan & Bridie's wedding over the weekend - they both looked very handsome and couldn't wipe the smiles from the faces :) So sweet!

I also received my belated Birthday pressie - loved the kiwi theme - really thoughtful of you - thank you very much!

Elise xxx