Monday, October 23, 2006

New home!

Yo biatches! So yeah, I'm a bit slow on the blog update, but here it is! So here are pictures of the house in Auckland.... yes, and I'm living with 3 boys! They're pretty clean and very nice and easy to live with so I don't mind!!!!

The first one is from the front (duh) and then there's Merk, Caroline and Will in the kitchen - Will's cooking us scrambled eggs!!! Then there's the backyard and our bedroom, its weird I don't really think of it as our room yet... maybe cos all my stuff isn't here, to be honest I don't think all my stuff will fit when it arrives!

I'll post one about our holiday soon too. So far everything is going a OK, job hunt is going well I just miss London SO MUCH and miss all the girls in London too! I get pretty frustrated but it'll better, just need to settle down... SLOW down ;o)

Anyway, hope you like the pics!

Til next time!

Love ya x x x x

1 comment:

Georgia said...

Hey lazy girl! I want more blogs more pictures - MORE EVERYTHING!!

Oh - an glad you made the bed for the room shot ;o) I thought you were being a housewife? Bad girl!

Love you and miss you xoxoxox