Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Kiwi road trip anyone??

Hey guys, ok I've been pretty good with the posts recently! I haven't put any photos up of our holiday away - here are some scenic ones below. Sorry, I know there's no pics of me or Will!!! Mark took some of us all on the weekend that just past when we went to North Head - on the North Shore, so I'll put them up too!

This is at Rotarura - at Te Pui, we could see all the geysers going off, stunk big time of sulphur but was cool to walk around and have a look!

This is the beach near Tauranga - near Mt Maunganui reminded me of home a bit, with the sand and the beach paths. You can see it was a tad chilly when we went but we still went for a walk along the beach :o) I even got a nice shell!!!

We stopped here on our way to Wellington - its Haku falls, we just stopped at a look out point, there was just so much water - you can't really see from the pic. But it was really pretty!

The whole holiday was fun, we spent loads of time driving, well I should say Will drove lots but it was good to spend so much time together after being apart for so long it meant we could talk about stupid stuff, serious stuff, just anything we thought of! Apart from the crappy weather I had a great holiday! Wellington is really different to Auckland - bloody crazy windy but was interesting town centre... we caught up with Listy - a mate of Wills there too. That was fun, we went out and got trolleyed!!!

Rotaroura was cool too - LOADS of motels! See why they call it rota-vegas! We had a nice dinner there and were very touristy and went to Te Pui to see the geysers and then we went on the luge - thats is so fun!!!! They're like these little carty things and you go zooming down this track and have to catch a chair lift back to the top!

That was my first holiday in NZ! Plenty more to come I'm sure.

Til next time, love ya x x

1 comment:

Georgia said...

Noice noice very noice.
Miss you missy.
xox GT