Saturday, December 09, 2006

You've not experience sun until you've been to PERTH!


Well sorry, the last blog was a bit late plus I didn't put all the photos up that I said I would. OOOH well when I find them I'll put them up.

So I arrived in Perth last night. Fuck Perth shits all over Auckland (remind me not to give my blog to people who live in Auckland...!!!!) For one, they think they know what nice weather is, hell NO now Perth knows what nice weather is thats for sure. The sky is clear and blue, its not windy as all hell and I don't think it may start raining randomly while I'm out walking!

Today is Bec's wedding, so I'm getting my hair done with the girls and then we're going to do Bec's make up then go get ready ourselves. I can't wait.

Anyway, hope everyone is well and enjoy the festive season as I doubt I'll be blogging much in the next month!!!!!!

Love ya farking xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

Pondabroad said...

Hi Chugs!
I found your blog - yippee!
Hope you're still having a fab time in Perth.
You really can't beat that West Australian lifestyle eh .. except perhaps Firenze, or Roma, or Venezia ... bellissimo!

Lots of love,
Pondy xxx