Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The time has come to start blogging....

Now I have probably lost all my faithful followers... so I might have to readvertise the start of the blog. I decided it was probably about time to start with the blog - what with work finishing next week (my last day is the 14t March!!!) I think I will have enough time to blog my ramblings... and I am well over facebook!!!

My parents are arriving on the 14th March as well. I can't wait to see them. It will be a tight fit in our new pokey little place. Its small, a lot smaller than our last place!!!

Anyway, to the start of blogging....again!

Ciao xoxo


Anonymous said...

Hurrah you have returned!! Where you went is beyond me!!

Georgia said...

Hooray!! You have inspired me to also restart my blog. Love you sweets xx