Saturday, July 07, 2007

Chugsy loses it!!!!!!

Hi guys,

Yes I am here, still alive. I've been enjoying my no studying last few weeks!! So the exam. The exam was crap!!! If I ever get to meet our stupid course person, I'll smash his head in! He is a typical acamedic, totally anal about the smallest things... things that in reality don't fucking matter! Can I swear on my blog? I can can't I! Muhahahaa. Evil laugh...

So yes its been good fun I've been doing a little bit of shopping and little bit of drinking. It was Will's birthday on Wednesday so we had some fun having everyone over for dinner on Thursday. Will made lasagna it was extremely tasty!

I had Friday off too and we had a yummy late breakfast and we I got some serious bargains!!!! We went to this store Isakelle - and for once there was not the bloody menopausal bitches servings us - we got a lovely lady who was so helpful! I ended up getting a dress $80 - originally $328 and a silk skirt $160 originally $400!!!! How exciting! I love bargains!

Anyway I've been a little ranty haven't I! But seriously, Auckland has WAYYYYY too many ugly old menopausal women!!! Where the fuck did they come from???!?!!!!! Well, they should just fuck off and die. I mean if you are in retail, there is such a thing as customer service and who are they to judge?!?!!

Enough ranting already. I'll get some pictures soon. Love yous xxxxxxx


Anonymous said...

hello you deranged slurry! Yay for bargain shopping! You go you sexy thang!! Check out my blog its got photos of me with scott fisher!! Sexiest basketball player ever!!!!!

luv ya ho bag :D

Georgia said...



muauahaha muaahahahahahahahaha

Love you noodle.


Anonymous said...

when you going to blog again biatch?