Sunday, May 20, 2007


Sooper sunny Saturday

Hello again,

Well we got up on Saturday and after I did some hours studying, we decided to go walking. I've found I quite enjoy walking in NZ as there is a lot of nice places to go walking where you can stop and go "wow" at all the interesting scenery and trees. Oh yes, trees....

So we drove to the Waitakere region, did I spell that right?? And went on a nature trail walk which was meant to take 1.5 hours but took us about 40 minutes, we checked the map too and couldn't see how we missed any! I think they must factor in old people time. So Will thought he'd take me to Piha - which isn't too far away. Its a nice little beach, kinda like Bethnalls in terms of landscape. Anyhow here are some pics!!1

AND! I also got some wellies, check them out! Woooo!

Love you long time!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The case of the missing Chenola....

Hey guys.. well its been a long time! And where have I been... yes, there I am STUDYING.... I could rant. In fact I am trying hard not to rant but I am actually procrastinating hard out. Hee. How times haven't changed!

I also went back to 'normal' work which has been pretty full on. Every day so far has been a challenge. There is a lot of work and its a lot more complicated. But I suppose its good and its not too much of a challenge for me to give up.

Well, thats about it! when I have some interesting goss I shall pass it on.

Love Chenoa xxxxx