Friday, February 23, 2007

Yes I am still alive!

Hey peeps!

Sorry about the lack of posting, we've just gotten web back and moved into our new place blah blah blah. Anyway its all getting more normal now - so I promise to do much more blogging from here on in!

So yes, we moved house - I'll put some pictures up for you to see. We're living with Nick and Zelda in an apartment in Eden Terrace - which is city fringe so still close to town ;o) so I still walk to work!!! Its a great apartment, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathooms. We've got the ensuite which is really lovely and novel. It does make kirk st look like an absolute hole!!!!

What else, work been going well - I've been on training to Rotorua for a weekend and then we went to Taupo to do the Great Lake Relay - see - we came 64th out of 144 composite teams. Not too bad. I think it took about 17 hours for us to run and walk 188 kms around the lake! That was great fun!

I'm going on a mini secondment at work to a clients. Luckily even closer to our house ! Thats about it, all is going well and I'm happy. The weather has been pretty good - even better!

Anyway I'll post some pics soon.

Hope you are all well! Lots of love Chenola xxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

2 Young Hinks said...

Well I was wondering if you were still alive - you haven't blogged since around Christmas time and I was beginning to give up :)

I've enjoyed reading your updates!

Elise xxx